How to Unplug from Technology and Recharge

If you find yourself spending too much time on your phone, email, or social media, it may be time to unplug.

And if the idea of losing your phone or being locked out of your email causes a mild sense of panic, anxiousness, or nervousness, you should definitely join me for a 24-hour digital detox March 9-10 for National Day of Unplugging, an annual 24-hour digital detox from technology.

Here's how it works:

  1. Commit to taking a day of rest from technology from Friday at sunset until Saturday at sundown. Set an intention for your rest day. Put it on your calendar. If you can't take an entire 24-hours off due to other obligations, not a problem. Start where you are, even if you can only commit to a few hours of being unplugged.

  2. Replace the phone on your bedside table with an alarm clock. This is also a great tip for the long-term to keep you from checking your phones, tablets, and other devices right before bed and first thing in the morning (especially if the distractions and stimulation are disrupting your sleep).

  3. Before you drop off the grid, be sure to give people a heads-up. Set expectations with friends, family, and colleagues and other important people in your life about your availability and the best way to connect with you while you are unplugged.

  4. Reconnect with friends, family, and yourself. Take a REAL day of rest for YOU. Go play!

  5. Reflect on your day of unplugging. Think about ways technology is and isn’t adding value to your life and take steps to address this imbalance. Drop me a line and let me know how it went. I'd love to hear from you!

Learn more about National Day of Unplugging at


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